Vaccine Position Statement for People of Faith
Why do we need a position statement?
As people of faith, we are facing a cultural and political climate that stands in stark opposition to our strongly held religious convictions. During the COVID-19 pandemic, many people faced job loss as a consequence of refusing mandated vaccines, the taking of which deeply violates principles of faith. Certain local governments even required the vaccine in order to participate in everyday society.
We found ourselves at an impossible crossroads: either deny our faith to secure employment, or hold fast to our beliefs and face loss of livelihood and lifestyle. This is why the Vaccine Position Statement is so important. It is written to help people of faith like you navigate this tenuous position.
Defending your faith
You may have quietly practiced your faith over the years, but are now being asked to clearly communicate your religious convictions… and with so much on the line. You, along with so many others, may be feeling alone, anxious, afraid of the future, and unsure what to do next and how to proceed. That’s exactly why this webpage exists.

Support for individuals
- Helps you clearly articulate what you believe and how those beliefs impact your vaccine choices.
- Helps you formulate a religious exemption that communicates the tenets of your faith to your employer.
- Encourages you by collecting signatures of like-minded people of faith. You are not alone!
- Grows strength in numbers through every signature added. You can stand for Godly principles with many others who share your convictions.
- Gives you an official statement, backed by people of faith around the world.
- Can be printed and given to your employer alongside your stated religious beliefs.
Support for faith-based organizations
- Provides a theological-based resource to support your organization in making a public declaration on vaccines
- Can be linked or posted on your organization’s website
- Answers frequently asked questions
- Creates an official statement, backed by people of faith around the world
- Can be printed and given to employers to help support employee exemption requests
- Encourages your leaders and followers – that they are not alone and can stand for Godly principles

Vaccine Position Statement
for People of Faith
We Believe
in one God, the sovereign Creator and Sustainer of all things. Humans hold the distinction of being God’s only creation made in His image and likeness.
We Affirm
- God is the creator of human life.1
- Each human life is unique and sacred, bearing the image and likeness of God.2
- Each preborn child has innate value and dignity, being a unique and sacred person created by God, bearing the image and likeness of God, from the moment of conception.3
- God’s law commands us, “you shall not murder.”4
- Abortion is the murder of a unique individual created by God in His image, and is against God’s law.5
- God hates the murder of the innocent.6
- God commands us to obey His laws and commandments, stay away from those who do evil, and to speak up for and protect innocent and vulnerable lives – including preborn lives.7
We Acknowledge
- Aborted babies are being used by the scientific community. Their body parts, organs, and tissues are harvested (sometimes while they are still alive) and sent to scientists/organizations for use in scientific and medical research.8, 9, 10
- The use of abortion-derived human fetal tissue for scientific and medical research has created a market for trafficking aborted human fetuses, body parts, organs, and tissues.11
- The vaccine industry in particular has used abortion-derived fetal body parts, organs, tissues, and abortion-derived fetal cell lines to research, develop, produce and test vaccines. Aborted fetuses have been used in the vaccine industry for over 60 years.12
- The scientific community’s response to COVID-19 proves its previous and continued reliance upon aborted fetal tissue for its research.
- In 2021, both Members of Congress and organizations representing hundreds of scientists, clinicians, hospitals, universities, and patients declared their dependence on the use of aborted fetal tissue in COVID-19 research and in the development of COVID-19 treatments and vaccines.13, 14
- In 2020, scientists and government officials fought for the right to use aborted fetal tissue in COVID-19 vaccine research and development.15, 16
- The vaccine industry has become dependent on aborted fetal tissue.17
- Many vaccines authorized or approved in the US and internationally (including all COVID-19 vaccines authorized or approved in the US) use aborted fetal tissue or abortion-derived fetal cell lines for the research, development, production, and/or testing of vaccines.18, 19
We Condemn
- Murder, specifically the murder of preborn babies.20
- The trafficking of aborted fetal body parts, organs, and tissues for any reason.
- The use of aborted fetal body parts, organs, tissues, and abortion-derived fetal cell lines for any reason.
- The use of aborted fetal body parts, organs, tissues, and abortion-derived fetal cell lines specifically in vaccine research, development, production and/or testing, regardless of when the research occurred.
- Participating in or cooperating with any vaccine using aborted fetal body parts, organs, tissues, and/or abortion-derived fetal cell lines during any part of the research, development, production and/or testing.
We Declare
- Abortion and anything associated with abortion is against God’s law and is wrong.
- All vaccines (including COVID-19 vaccines) associated with abortion pose an irreconcilable contradiction to our religious faith.21
- We are bound by our faith to obey God and to refrain from participating in or cooperating with that which He calls evil, specifically anything associated with abortion.
- Consistent with our sincerely held religious faith, we cannot take any vaccine that used or uses aborted fetal body parts, organs, tissues and/or abortion-derived fetal cell lines at any point during its research, development, production and/or testing. This includes, but is not limited to COVID-19 vaccines by Janssen (Johnson & Johnson), Moderna, Novavax, Oxford/AstraZeneca, and Pfizer/BioNTech (including Pfizer’s Comirnaty).22
1. Genesis 1:27, Genesis 9:6, Psalm 100:3, Psalm 139:13-16, Isaiah 44:24, Isaiah 64:8, Jeremiah 1:5
2. Genesis 1:27, Genesis 9:6, Psalm 139:13-16
3. Psalm 139:13-16, Job 31:15, Jeremiah 1:5
4. Exodus 20:13, Deuteronomy 5:17
5. Exodus 20:1, 13, Exodus 21:22-25, Exodus 23:7
6. Proverbs 6:16-17 and Proverbs 24:11-12
7. Ecclesiastes 12:13, Deuteronomy 27:10, Proverbs 1:8-19, Proverbs 31:8, Proverbs 6:16-17, Proverbs 24:11-12
8. Heipel, Edie (2021, August 9). Investigate Now: Federal Grants Sponsored Possibly Live Baby Harvesting At University Of Pittsburgh. The Federalist.
9. Dorman, Sam (2021, August 4). Millions in federal money flowed to tissue bank that collected fetal ‘heart, gonads, legs, brain’: report. Fox News.
“If the fetus’ heartbeat and blood circulation continue in a labor induction abortion for harvesting organs, it means the fetus is being delivered while still alive and the cause of death is the removal of the organs.” -David Daleiden, The Center for Medical Progress
10. Dorman, Sam (2020, July 1). Testimony from Planned Parenthood, tissue procurer sheds light on babies born alive, with beating hearts. Fox News.
11. Mainwaring, Doug (2021, May 3). WATCH: University experiments on aborted baby parts, funding linked to Fauci. LifeSiteNews.
12. Foster, Tanya (2019). Abortion, the Human Fetal Cell Industry, & Vaccines, white paper. A Voice for Truth.
13. In an April 2021 letter to HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra, 26 Members of Congress reiterated the scientific community’s dependence on aborted fetal tissue for COVID-19 research and vaccines, stating, “Fetal tissue is an irreplaceable resource for research…including COVID-19.” and “Fetal tissue is vital for advancing scientific research” and “Fetal tissue remains essential for creating models of the human immune system to study infectious diseases, including Zika, HIV, and COVID-19.”
14. In a January 2021 letter to President Biden, almost 100 organizations representing countless scientists, clinicians and patients declared their dependency on the use of aborted fetal tissue in the development of COVID-19 treatments and vaccines stating, “HFT (human fetal tissue) is an essential resource for biomedical research… It remains critical for the development of new treatments for a wide range of serious diseases, including COVID- 19… Cells derived from HFT are currently being used to support the development of multiple treatments and vaccines for COVID-19.”
15. In a March 26, 2020 letter to President Trump, state Attorneys General declared scientists’ dependence on aborted fetal tissue for COVID-19 research and vaccines, and requested the NIH ban on fetal tissue research be reversed. The letter stated, “the scientists’ position on this issue (developing a vaccine and treatment to COVID-19) has been clear: currently, there are no alternatives to human fetal tissue that have been shown to be as powerful in conducting these important studies across a broad range of research topics.”
16. In an April 6, 2020 letter to HHS Secretary Alex Azar, members of Congress wrote “to ask that you immediately waive the restrictions on research with human fetal tissue, which are preventing federally-funded scientists from advancing important studies that could potentially prevent, treat, or cure the 2019 novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19).” The practice of using aborted fetal tissue is global, as noted in this comment, “U.S. scientists are now urging their international counterparts to rush to conduct this research while their hands remain tied.”
18. U.S. Vaccines Made Using Aborted Fetal Cells. A Voice for Truth.
19. The Charlotte Lozier Institute tracks all COVID-19 vaccines and the use of aborted-derived cell lines.
20. Exodus 20:1, 13, Exodus 21:22-25, Exodus 23:7, Proverbs 6:16-17, Proverbs 24:11-12, Amos 1:13
21. Vaccines associated with abortion include all vaccines using aborted fetal body parts, organs, tissues and/or abortion-derived fetal cell lines at any point during its research, development, production and/or testing, regardless of when the research occurred.
22. The Charlotte Lozier Institute tracks all COVID-19 vaccines and the use of aborted-derived cell lines.
Sign the Vaccine Position Statement
Let’s make our voices stronger together. Sign up and join us today!
You can sign in one of three ways:
- as an individual
- as clergy, a ministry leader, or an organization leader
- as a church, ministry or organization
*If you sign on behalf of your church/ministry/organization, you may also sign as an individual or as clergy/ministry or organization leader.

What now?
- Read & sign the position statement
- Send it to your religious leaders, family, & friends
- Share on social media
- Use the position statement to support your religious exemption request
How can I use the statement?
- Help you write your own statement of religious belief
- Print and submit to your employer as supportive documentation for your beliefs
- Educate others through the statement itself and the documentation in the footnotes

Stand with faith leaders around the world
Larry DeSimone, MA FCA CNC
– Pastor, Author, Nutritionist
– Calvary Chapel of the Canyons
Andrew Serafini
– Founder/Lead Minister
– Light Dove Ministries
Daniel Ater
– Chaplain
– Calvary Chapel of the Canyons
Arthur Foster
– Executive Director
– Completing The Call Ministries
Luke Montgomery
– Reverend
Shawndreia Deas
– Co-Founder
– Jesus Discipleship Network (JDN) Inc.
Calvary Chapel of the Canyons
Medical Autonomy Colorado
Georgia Coalition for Vaccine Choice
Completing The Call Ministries
Jesus Discipleship Network (JDN) Inc.
No Deception
Sandra Marcus, USA
Ginger Taylor, USA
Jennifer Turner, USA
Ben Turner, USA
Trish Bruce, USA
Ann Persons, USA
Sarah Jane Morrone, USA
Randi McIntyre, USA
Anne Gray, USA
Reyna Quintana, USA
Shelly Redder, USA
Tim Allen, USA
Rachel Marsh, USA
Rosemary Robinson, USA
Rachel Seong, USA
Lindsay Croft, USA
Lee Ann Crawford, USA
Mike Neisler, USA
Hannah S, USA
Rose McCredie, Australia
Leonie Ward, Australia
Christopher Pollock, Australia
Carol-Ann Berndt, Australia
Michael Golbach, Australia
Simone Golbach, Australia
Rachel Field, Australia
Lodesha Taylor, Canada
Keith Living, Canada
Karen Shymko, Canada
Chris Holwell, Canada
Alison McMurray, Canada
Tracey McCoy, Canada
Michele Dicker, Canada
Leo Kornelsen, Canada
Frank Lueck, Canada
Bruce Regier, Canada
Bruce Regier, Canada
Katharina M, Canada
Glen Grisdale, Canada
Tao Sun, Canada
K J Meredith-C, New Zealand
Natalie Smith, South Africa
Karin Strauss, South Africa
John Cramphorn, UK
Barbara Durrans, UK
Helen Hughes, UK
*This is a partial list. Click button to view all signatures.
*Note: the Vaccine Position Statement is not a substitute for your own personal statement of religious belief. It’s intended to be a supportive document submitted alongside your statement of belief and request for religious exemption. For tips on preparing a religious exemption request, click here.
Please contact A Voice for Truth with any questions.