2021 Update: abortion-tainted shots

COVID-19 shot facts

Are you part of the experiment?

Taxpayer funded fetal tissue research

Religious exemption help

Scientists “need” fetal tissue

2020 – history repeated

2020: Abortion-tainted COVID-19 shots


Religious Exemptions

– Need help writing your religious exemption? Start here.

– Need help thinking about the COVID shots through a Biblical lens? The Vaccine Position Statement for People of Faith provides a biblically-based statement of belief including specific biblical references and citations. Read, SIGN, print, use, and share with others!


More Resources

The Charlotte Lozier Institute (CLI) meticulously tracks all COVID-19 vaccines in use/development and their use of abortion-derived cell lines. CLI provides high quality original and interpretative research on life-related issues from its physicians, sociologists, statisticians, and policy researchers.

Children’s Health Defense (CHD) is devoted to ending childhood health epidemics by working aggressively to eliminate harmful exposures, including those from vaccines. CHD was founded by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and utilizes experts including its scientific and legal advisory committees to provide well researched information.

Physicians for Informed Consent are medical doctors advocating for informed consent by empowering people with scientific information about infectious diseases and vaccines.

Sound Choice Pharmaceutical Institute (SCPI) was founded by Dr. Theresa Deisher, Ph.D., a scientist with over 47 patents who discovered adult cardiac derived stem cells. SCPI studies the consequences of residual fetal human DNA, cellular debris, and retroviruses in medicines, and conducts research into ethical alternatives to vaccines using human fetal material (like many COVID-19 vaccines).

The Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) is the CDC/FDA’s official national safety monitoring system for US vaccines. It’s purpose is “to detect new, unusual, or rare vaccine adverse events; monitor increases in known adverse events; identify potential patient risk factors for particular types of adverse events” and more.

OpenVAERS compiles VAERS data into a user-friendly interface. Many prefer OpenVAERS because the information is in a useable form while maintaining the integrity of the VAERS data.

COVID-19 from a christian perspective

Dr. Ryan C. MacPherson provides thoroughly researched and well articulated information from a biblical perspective regarding abortion-tainted vaccines and COVID-19 vaccines specifically.

John Piper, Desiring God Ministries, outlines a biblical, christian perspective about COVID-19 vaccines using aborted fetal cell lines in his podcast, “Can I take a vaccine made from aborted babies? *This podcast predated authorization of Johnson & Johnson’s COVID-19 vaccine. Additionally, he appears to have been unaware of Pfizer and Moderna’s use of aborted fetal cell lines in testing.