Many people holding pro-life values still wonder if there is any truth to the claim that aborted fetal tissue is used in vaccine research and development. VFT, along with others like Sound Choice Pharmaceutical Institute, Children of God for Life, No Deception, Marcella Piper-Terry, My Informed Choice, and more have been consistently presenting peer-reviewed science and truth about aborted fetal cell line use. Yet somehow, misunderstandings linger.
An example is a US Congressman whose strong pro-life stance is commendable. His April 2020 newsletter stated, “In fact, aborted fetal tissue has never been used to produce a single vaccine.” It seems he is unaware, just as many pro-life people are.
On the other hand, President Trump is aware. He knows there have been billions of US dollars funding aborted fetal tissue research. For example, it was the National Institutes of Health (NIH) – through its National Institute on Aging division – that funded the creation of human fetal cell lines IMR-90 and IMR-91.
Recognizing this threat to the sanctity of human life, in June 2019 President Trump discontinued NIH research “involving the use of human fetal tissue from elective abortion.” The NIH Notice placed new restrictions on outside research receiving NIH funding. The Health and Human Services press release clearly stated, “research that requires new acquisition of fetal tissue from elective abortions will not be conducted.”
This step was taken because, “Promoting the dignity of human life from conception to natural death is one of the very top priorities of President Trump’s administration.” Many of you reading this hold the same priority.
His actions are an admirable step in the right direction, but the demand for aborted fetal tissue in research is high. The onset of COVID-19 and urgent calls for a vaccine have brought that demand into clear focus. The vaccine industry in particular has a long, 60+ year history of using aborted fetal tissue in its research and development. The scientific community’s desire to use human fetal tissue for developing COVID-19 vaccines is in direct opposition to the President’s ban. As a result, some have begun voicing their concerns.
Government officials have also raised their voices urging the ban to be lifted. Attorneys General in states across the US sent a letter to the President on March 26, 2020, with their “concern that the current Fetal Tissue Ban that took effect in June 2019 is hampering our Nation’s ability to address COVID-19.” The letter shared how fetal tissue has been an “essential tool” and “instrumental” in studies. The end of the letter articulated just how critically important the scientific community views the use of human fetal tissue when it stated:
“… the scientists’ position on this issue has been clear: currently, there are no alternatives to human fetal tissue that have been shown to be as powerful in conducting these important studies across a broad range of research topics.“
Then, in their April 6, 2020 letter, some members of Congress wrote “to ask that you immediately waive the restrictions on research with human fetal tissue, which are preventing federally-funded scientists from advancing important studies that could potentially prevent, treat, or cure the 2019 novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19).”
- If there was ever any question as to the vital importance the scientific community places on the use of fetal tissue from abortions, these two letters should answer those once and for all.
These letters show how the use of fetal tissue from abortions is so common it feels necessary and critical to some in the scientific community. This long-term and on-going practice of using aborted fetal tissue in vaccine research and development has been ignored by many pro-life people and organizations. The scientific community interprets our silence as implied consent.
It is time to expose the truth and stand up for the sanctity of ALL human life.
As of this writing, there are at least FIVE vaccines in development for COVID-19 using aborted fetal cell lines. The pleading in the letters from members of Congress and state AGs prompted by COVID-19 vaccine development reveal just how reliant the scientific community has become on human fetal tissue for vaccine research.
Vaccines should be produced ethically, without the use of aborted fetal cell lines. Period. The fear of COVID-19 and the desire for a vaccine is no excuse to use aborted fetal tissue.
Please remain watchful and well-informed during these unprecedented times.