
How did this website come about?

I’m big on living a life with purpose, so I’ve had lots of plans. As the Lord led me, I intentionality went after them with everything I had. Of the many plans I’ve worked toward, writing about vaccines and abortion not only didn’t make the list, it wasn’t even on my radar. This unexpected journey is not one I wanted, but instead one I felt compelled to take. But why? Well, it started with a seemingly outlandish claim I ran across.

An ingredient in vaccines (a human ingredient) came from aborted babies.

I know, that sounds bizarre and beyond far-fetched, doesn’t it? At the time, I figured if it were true then the pro-life community would be up in arms and surely I would have known about it.

As crazy as it seemed, it bothered me enough that I felt compelled to take a deeper look. I began with the most respected source I knew of at the time – the CDC. From there, I went to primary sources which led to hunting down decades-old peer-reviewed articles, interviews with scientists, and official government documents because I wanted to see it for myself.

The shocking history that was unfolding before me, documented in source after source, made me sick to my stomach. There were times the information was so gut wrenching and overwhelming that it left me curled up in a puddle of tears.

A decade of careful study ultimately culminated in the white paper that started this website in 2019.

One short year later, who could have imagined the crazy turn the world would take in 2020. As COVID spread, the world intently followed COVID-19 vaccine development. I noticed a growing awareness of the link between abortion and vaccines. Scientists who were working feverishly to develop COVID vaccines were using abortion-derived fetal cell lines to create many of them. This new awareness opened up fresh opportunities for me to address the issue that had been burdening my heart for years.

A little more about me

From a young age I’ve always loved people, especially helping people. I was that kid who left the group to comfort the girl being mercilessly teased after a terrible haircut. So it’s not surprising that, as an adult, I studied sociology and counseling, attended seminary, and worked in the legal field. My studies developed skills in research, questioning, and analyzing data. Then, work and life experience helped hone those skills into critical thinking.

I’m a curious person by nature, ask way too many questions, can’t help but observe people, and am a life-long follower of Jesus Christ. The older I get, the more I realize I don’t know. It’s pretty humbling actually. My goal is to always be learning, growing, seeing the world through God’s eyes, loving people, and seeking Jesus.